The Labyrinth - I had to add this movie to the list. Ever since I saw this movie as a kid, I always wanted to dress up as David Bowie for Halloween. Sadly, my mom would never let me out the front door wearing one of her white blouses, my gray tights and a pair of my socks stuck down the front of my pants. I always explained that it was a part of the costume, but she never let me out of the house. For this reason The Labyrinth is a Halloween staple.

Edward Scissorhands - This a classic story of a boy who doesn't fit into the mold of mainstream society who just happens to have razor sharp shears for fingers. The scariest part of the whole movie is how freakishly "McCain-esque" and similar the cookie cutter homes in the movie are to new subdivisions invading Utah. Oh and also the fact that Edward Scissorhands reminds me of Chels.

Powder - Hands down one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. It easily made the list because it scared the crap out me!

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown- The only thing I remember about this movie besides it's fun to watch around Halloween is that Lucy drove me crazy in it. And the fact that Lucy reminds me of Chels.

A Nightmare before Christmas - There is no question in Chelsi's mind this is the best Halloween movie ever. Now I said Chelsi's mind because I have never seen it. She's told me that this movie is just as important as scripture because I can learn something new from it every time I watch it.
Hooray! And so it begins. I'm so excited for the October posts! But Pops I'm sorry to break it to you. You're a bit of a wussy if these are the types of movies that give you a scare because to be honest I never thought of any of these as Halloween movies. But I gotta give it to you for creativity. I think Shutter should be # 1. Ha Ha. But I must admit some of the scariest movies that I have dared to watch are The Grudge and Grudge 2. And just the previews alone of The Mirrors, Exorsist of Emily Rose and The Ring were scary enough for me. Happy October!!!
Great pumpkin charlie brown has my vote.
Chels looks so cool...who did her makeup? I love Halloween! holla!
Now just to be clear this was our favorite Halloween movies, not our favorite scary movies. I'm sure you'll be seeing that list of movies as we get closer to Halloween
Gene Hackmans "the Changeling" should top every scary movie list. If it doesn't it must be that you have not yet seen it. It is the on truly scary PG rated movie I have every seen.
In a dark house with complete silence.... OH, I DARE YOU TO WATCH IT THIS HALLOWS EVE!!!
We will see your challenge, Gouda and raise you with seeing the Lady in White the whole way through without turning it off... yes, yes, it's that bad!
OK. Under advisement from Chels, I will finally rent The Nightmare before Christmas. Also, If Edward Scissorhands is ever on, I always have to record and rewatch it.
I'm confused about Powder. You have it in both categories. I loved the movie, but have to agree with your sentiments about Jeff Goldblum.
You are wise to listen to me Vic. Now only if i could get K to do that once in a while... ;)
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