Our personal favorite 5 less then scary Halloween movie monsters or villains
Every great Halloween movie always has a deep, dark, and terrifying monster under the bed or a villain hiding in the house. The following list has NOTHING to do with that kind of demon.
5.The featherless chicken-esque Monster in CloverField. What a dissapoint meant! When we finally got to see the monster I was more terrified that I was going to throw up from the motion sickness watching the movie bounce around than I was over that stupid monster. 4. The masked gunman in The Nailgun Massacre. The Killer roams the street driving his HUGE gold hearse, and wearing a motorcycle helmet. His weapon of choice... What else but a nail gun. 3.Pee Wee Herman as Amilyn the Vampire, in Buffy the Vampire slayer. He was most famous for his line "Kill Him... A lot". Chels still laughs thinking about it. For me Pee wee Herman in general is good enough reason to check under my bed. 2. Chucky from Child's Play. Who on earth honeslty thought that this was going to be a good idea? 1.Gary Busey as the Gingerdead Man. A timeless tell of a killer, reincarnated as a Gingerbread man.
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