Hands down the best month of the year! The leafs are changing colors, hooded sweat shirts come out of the closet, college football is well under way, C-bass and I always take a really big and needed vacation, and the greatest thing of all is Halloween!
The little guy and I tend to go a little crazy each year obsessing over everything Halloween. For me, I don't think there is anything better then watching Chels find something new to add to our Halloween decoration collection. When she sees something she likes she'll smile really big. It's not a "I'm really happy" smile, but more of a mischievous smile. The type of smile you get right before you scare someone so bad they pee their pants! She'll then pick up the decoration and with wide eyes and under her breath she'll say, "coooool." If the price is right, Chels then starts what I can only describe as, "the potty" dance. She looks the same way a toddler looks when they need to go to the bathroom. She marches in place and a look of panic washes over her face. The panic for Chels comes when I tell her "you can take them all home". Well, Chels has a personal policy of "leave no decoration behind", so when she thinks I'm not looking she whisperers back to the other decorations on the shelf "Don't worry guys, I'll be back for you". I freaking love that girl! She so dang funny!
To help share our great love for all things goblins and ghouls, we will be posting a new list of either our top 5 favorite or our most hated things about Halloween each and every day in October.
My favorite decoration is Ian. Last couple years he sits unmoving on the porch in his ghoul get-up. Saves on candy 'cause most kids don't dare find out if he's real or not ;)
That's the one thing we really don't get out here in the country. No goblins come our way:(
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