It's hard not to think about Halloween or in Chels's case, any day of the week with out thinking about candy. Every year little kids dress up like their favorite characters from movies they're entirely way too young to watch, and then over the week gorge themselves on sugar. What parent ever thought this was a good idea?
We've compiled a list of our top 5 favorite trick or treat sweets:
5. Miniature Kit Kats- For what ever reason miniature Kit-kats are a thousand times better then the normal packs of kit-kats. Probably because when someone says "hey break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar", it's a lot easier to reply "KISS OFF!" because it's really too small to share with any one else.
4. NERDS- This had to be the first attempt to help kids ration their own candy consumption, by being the first candy with a resealable lip on the box. If anything this just pissed me off! The nerds were always getting stuck around the opening, completely blocking off all candy intake! It was only natural to use your tongue like an aardvark to try and pry the candy out but that just made things worse! You would always have to tear open the box to get the rest of them! But at that point the remaining nerds were all slobbery and globbed together! If you can't tell...I'm not bitter!
3.Candy Corn- Love them or hate them, but it's honestly impossible to have October with out them. This beloved Halloween treat is celebrated every October 30th on "National Candy Corn Day". It seems that in the 1970s the price of sugar rose so much that confection companies were being forced to file bankruptcy, or take out massive loans just to afford the sugar. The demand and sale for Candy Corn was so great that it actually saved an entire industry. Even today an estimated 35 millions pounds of Candy Corn are produced every year. Chels might like them but when I was a kid if I ever got candy corn while I was trick or treating, I always knew which house was going to get a flaming bag of dog pooh on their porch later that night.

Sixlets- A personal favorite. I think as a kids these were my favorite because of how easy they were to eat. A typical Halloween involved a serious candy induced coma. With my eyes glazed over and in a full diabetic shock, it became more and more difficult to concentrate on opening candy. But with sixlets, you could shoot those puppies into your mouth just by squeezing the package. Or with a little practice you could launch those suckers across the room at an unsuspecting sibling.
1. Pop Rocks- These were awesome! It was like dinner and a show! You could enjoy our candy, and then be entertained with the small explosions in your mouth. It doesn't matter if it's your first packet of Pop Rocks or your 5000th (...Chels), but you'll always be shocked that the candy is actually exploding in your mouth. Everyone' s next natural reaction is to find someone to show them the huge pile of sugar making noise on your tongue. So classy.
Sixlets are the best things in the world...
It's hard to argue with any of your choices. But I love candy corn and would eat it year round!
In fact, I just opened a candy corn blog and would love it if you stopped by to say hello -
Wow! That is a great list. It reminded me of trick-or-treating, and made me really miss it. Steph said that I can't go this year, and she even had the nerve to tell me that I was too old to go LAST year! Who does she think she is?
And then there's me, who dresses up ridiculous and stuffs myself with candy, which I'm entirely too old to do.
That explains the dog pooh bonfire on my porch last year!
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