A disclaimer is needed for the following list. This list consists of craved pumpkins that we have actually have seen in person or we've seen photos of. With that being said, I have not actually seen Stephen's world famous carved "people pumpkins" so Stephen was automatically disqualified, sorry.
5.The Cheese Burger Pumpkin- I really had to look at this twice.

. The "Jack"- O-lantern- Jack made the list because it was super simple and really well done. Also because Chels really likes the movie, and I'm trying to score some extra points with her.
3. Ichabod- I thought I would add our new pumpkin monster to the list. We're pretty fond of him, so we named him Ichabod sense he had a pumpkin for a head. 
Norm-o-latern- This made the list only because I have a man crush on Norm.

Ray Villafane- Absolutely incredible!
Ray Villafane's work is nothing less then mind blowing! Tune into the Food Network on October 26th 2008 at 8pm eastern for "Outrageous Pumpkins". Their popular show "CHALLANGE" tackled pumpkin carving. Ray Villafane was fortunate enough to be one of four carvers invited to compete in Denver for 10,000.00 cash!! Good luck Ray. In the mean time PLEASE check out his website and his pumpkin gallery, you will not regret it!
much to my chagrin, I have been asked to have you post as a guest blogger. I get subject approval, so think of something.
I don't believe it. Are those all really real?
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