Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
"All of California and Everyone Who Lives There Stinks"
(While conjuring up a title for this post I stumbled upon the lyrics to a song I've never heard by a band who I've also never heard of. But out of curiosity I researched them just a little. The first thing I read was this: http://www.worldinferno.com/history.php, and immediately fell in love. It is long, but I assure you quite worth the frustrating and confusing reading. ;) As fate has set it in stone, I was then required to use their lyrics, as seen above, for my title. The End.)
And for a little explanation the only reason they and it stinks is because K and I aren't officially a part of their society... yet. Oh that and we were victims of a hit and run on our second day out there. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.
K and I had the opportunity, no, the HONOR to visit our dear friends Kyle n Brit again in Cali, but this time for over a week! With it being such a vacation, here's the sweet and condensed version. :) It's still quite long, but full of wonderful pics!
Vacations must always start before you arrive to your destination, in my mind, and the best way to kick of any jet setting is with a little Starbucks at the airport
(and of course I had my standard soy chai and K had his standard strawberries and cream. mmmm)
Upon arrival and seeing Kyle n Brit, I'm pretty sure this was going to be exactly the kind of vacation we needed. No plans, no tickets yet bought to shows, museums, concerts, parties, wild animal exhibits, etc and best of all no responsibilities. A first in all of our vacation history. Everyday was a new decision on what we wanted to do or if we wanted to do anything at all.
Oh and almost every morning I woke to this
That's a Maggie the dog not an Ewok
And every time we rode in the car the dogs did this:
Can you see Maggie hidding? ... Yeah, we call her a freak too.
We were a little concerned as to how we were going to see the BYU game after finding out Kyle n Brit didn't have the station it was on. I should have known Kyle would pull through and lead us to the right sports bar, Wings Pizza N Things.
I love this black n white with K on the side and all the bottles.
I guess the most eventful thing that happened while there was, as stated before, the second day we were there we were victims of a hit and run! We were stopped at a red light in front of the Sports Arena around midnight on Saturday night just after getting some frozen yogurt when out of nowhere *BAM* someone hit us from behind without using any breaks! Long story short:
The Honda Fit has a back passengers middle seat belt that comes down from the roof. When kendall flung back after we were hit, he smashed his head into that seatbelt compartment and hit it so hard (with his hard head) and popped it up making that dent. Quite honestly Kendall did almost all the interior damage to the car. I'll let him explain later if he so wishes. ;)
Poor Brit... her eye and Kyle's seat belt burn (which I did not get a pic of but you can see here) were the only showing damage from the accident. We were watched over that night!
Kyle n Brit's Honda UNFit as Kyle now calls it. :T Needless to say, we took it easy for the next few days.
On a happier note:
Desert and Tea at Extraordinary Deserts!
Look how pretty everything is!
Brits Fruity Wonder
Pops is clearly Pops likes the fruity stuff too, but he's more racial

My Chocolate Heaven and Kyle's Buddah's Garden Tea in the background
If you want to see more of the beauty of their creations go here.
We spent a lot of time at parks and grassy knolls walking the dogs

On this particular night we walked a mile or so to this little area where a dog named Calvin frequents.
I tried so hard to get a picture of him to do it justice, but he like to move around way too much. Anyway, this pup's head went to my chest. Granted I'm only 5'2, but that is still a monster of a dog! And he was as sweet as any dog I've ever met.
The next morning Pops and I decided to get breakfast at a little place Brit had mentioned she wanted to try while walking by it a day or two earlier. ;)
Cupcakes are their specialty and they rotate different flavors each day. These aren't ordinary Albertsons cupcakes of course! They are actually made with love. You can't see it too well, but each cup cake has a halo made of sugar on the frosting making them truly Heavenly!
And look at the interior decor.

How could one resist that?!
Oh how I love Coronado Island. Anywhere that you get to ride a ferry to must be magical!
So Patriotic
The four of us went there to enjoy a little dinner and walk along the water/San D. Skyline as seen at the beginning of this novel of a post. ;)
And stayed till the sun went down

The four of us ate at a lot of really great places. I'm not a fish person, but everyone else is so we stopped here:
I guess they have amazing Fish Tacos! We didn't do any bowling 'cause we had da Buddah boy with us. And they have some high seated tables along the outside that are doggie friendly.

Then while walking around town kyle spotted tea pots that he had been wanting to get since extraordinary desserts in this little shop. It would turn out to be a Chellor's heaven! They had millions of different kinds and sizes of skulls and skeletons. I walked around this place with a smile on my face the whole time and I was amazed by the variety they had there!!! LOOK:

An expensive 'ol fashioned Husband and Wife
Cute Little Black n White Heads

Don't Touch! Her Clothes were so intricate.

Mini Computing Skeleton... Get it? Computing. HA! ;)
A couple days before we left Pops felt bad that I hadn't gotten any good time in the sweet Cali sun so he woke me up early and took me to Coronado again only this time we went across town to the beach to lay out!
While there we also walked around the cute town and had lunch at Cafe 1134. 
It was so cute and Yummy!
Thanks for being patient with me while I snap the pic K!
On the Ferry back to San Diego after catchin' some rays and walking around town

We got back to Kyle n Brit's cute little apt. to watch Budda do his famous "Begging" on the couch! Clearly talent.
Our last full day/night there was packed with fun!
We walked around a bit looking for a great place to eat a late lunch and settled on the appropriately named Dick's Last Resort.
It's a silly little place where the waiters are all purposely rude to you. We had menu's thrown at us, saw cake smashed in customer's faces, and a ladies purse given to a teenager because the waiter found out it was his birthday and HAD to give him something!

Then we went to a Padre's game! It was so much fun! We ate hot dogs, cracker jacks, peanuts with the shell on them. Ya know, things you don't normally eat. ;)

Games make Kyle Crazy!

Cheerin' like it aint no bodies bis nas!
Wind it up
The Happy Couples

And to wrap the the vaca. right like we do, we went to Cafe 222. (Look Mom, I can rhyme) This is our favorite brunch spot and where we went last vacation out there the day Kyle n Brit sent us home. ;)

Cute Salt n Pepper Shaker

Oh they have AMAZING food too! ;)

Woah! I didn't even touch on half of the things we did! Now you know why it took so long to get this posted. ;)
We had an amazing time and despite the car crash bonanza, we can't wait till our next trip down there!!! Love ya Kyle n Brit!
And for a little explanation the only reason they and it stinks is because K and I aren't officially a part of their society... yet. Oh that and we were victims of a hit and run on our second day out there. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.

Vacations must always start before you arrive to your destination, in my mind, and the best way to kick of any jet setting is with a little Starbucks at the airport

Upon arrival and seeing Kyle n Brit, I'm pretty sure this was going to be exactly the kind of vacation we needed. No plans, no tickets yet bought to shows, museums, concerts, parties, wild animal exhibits, etc and best of all no responsibilities. A first in all of our vacation history. Everyday was a new decision on what we wanted to do or if we wanted to do anything at all.
Oh and almost every morning I woke to this
And every time we rode in the car the dogs did this:

We were a little concerned as to how we were going to see the BYU game after finding out Kyle n Brit didn't have the station it was on. I should have known Kyle would pull through and lead us to the right sports bar, Wings Pizza N Things.
I guess the most eventful thing that happened while there was, as stated before, the second day we were there we were victims of a hit and run! We were stopped at a red light in front of the Sports Arena around midnight on Saturday night just after getting some frozen yogurt when out of nowhere *BAM* someone hit us from behind without using any breaks! Long story short:

On a happier note:
Desert and Tea at Extraordinary Deserts!

Brits Fruity Wonder

Pops is clearly Pops likes the fruity stuff too, but he's more racial

My Chocolate Heaven and Kyle's Buddah's Garden Tea in the background

We spent a lot of time at parks and grassy knolls walking the dogs

On this particular night we walked a mile or so to this little area where a dog named Calvin frequents.

The next morning Pops and I decided to get breakfast at a little place Brit had mentioned she wanted to try while walking by it a day or two earlier. ;)

Oh how I love Coronado Island. Anywhere that you get to ride a ferry to must be magical!

So Patriotic

The four of us went there to enjoy a little dinner and walk along the water/San D. Skyline as seen at the beginning of this novel of a post. ;)

And stayed till the sun went down

The four of us ate at a lot of really great places. I'm not a fish person, but everyone else is so we stopped here:
Then while walking around town kyle spotted tea pots that he had been wanting to get since extraordinary desserts in this little shop. It would turn out to be a Chellor's heaven! They had millions of different kinds and sizes of skulls and skeletons. I walked around this place with a smile on my face the whole time and I was amazed by the variety they had there!!! LOOK:
An expensive 'ol fashioned Husband and Wife
Cute Little Black n White Heads
Don't Touch! Her Clothes were so intricate.
Mini Computing Skeleton... Get it? Computing. HA! ;)
A couple days before we left Pops felt bad that I hadn't gotten any good time in the sweet Cali sun so he woke me up early and took me to Coronado again only this time we went across town to the beach to lay out!

It was so cute and Yummy!

On the Ferry back to San Diego after catchin' some rays and walking around town

We got back to Kyle n Brit's cute little apt. to watch Budda do his famous "Begging" on the couch! Clearly talent.

Our last full day/night there was packed with fun!
We walked around a bit looking for a great place to eat a late lunch and settled on the appropriately named Dick's Last Resort.

Then we went to a Padre's game! It was so much fun! We ate hot dogs, cracker jacks, peanuts with the shell on them. Ya know, things you don't normally eat. ;)

Games make Kyle Crazy!

Cheerin' like it aint no bodies bis nas!

Wind it up

The Happy Couples

And to wrap the the vaca. right like we do, we went to Cafe 222. (Look Mom, I can rhyme) This is our favorite brunch spot and where we went last vacation out there the day Kyle n Brit sent us home. ;)

Cute Salt n Pepper Shaker

Oh they have AMAZING food too! ;)

We had an amazing time and despite the car crash bonanza, we can't wait till our next trip down there!!! Love ya Kyle n Brit!
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