I created this list not because I necessarily hate these people, but more cause there is something about these people or something they do, that drives me insane. I've created the following list in no particular order.

Paul Tuttle Sr. The years of drug abuse, and bulling his own kids around does not give him ANY right to grow that hideous thing he calls a mustache. I want to pin him down and remove every whisker with a pair of needle nose pliers. Also, would sleeves kill him? When he was married in 2007, he ripped the sleeves of his tux to look more macho. Really classy.

Flava Flav, He alone is the best argument for birth control. I'm doing the
world a favor keeping him on this list.

Hollywood Hogan, I really need to be clear about his one. Hulk Hogan is a legend and a historical icon. I would never dare to utter his name along with the other clowns on this list. But as for Hollywood "gender confused" Hogan, he has earned a solid spot on here. What were you thinking "BRUTHER", when you were trying to re-invent your self by wearing pink feather boas? My once hero, has been reduced to nothing more then a spray tanned leathered sack of crap. Hollywood Hogan, I'm doing
you a favor kepping you on this list.

The White ranger, I believe he's been on this list longer then everyone else combined. Almost 18 years ago, which I will refer to as an important "developing" phase of my life. I was noticing girls more. Especially the Pink Ranger, on Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. It's no secret, I had a full on crush. Because I was too old to be watching little kid shows, everyday after school I would make sure my lil brother, who was still young enough was watching it. I really started to think the pink ranger and I had a connection. That was until the White ranger came along. The writters of the show had the pink and white ranger hooking up. I was ticked! How could she do this to me!?
Who in the heck does this guy think he is? Still to this day, he remains firm on this list.

Mary Murphy and her Hot tamale train. I'm not sure what planet Mary Murphy is from, but I hope the mothership (which she calls the Hot tamale train) returns soon to reclaim her. Each and every week during the airing of "So you think you can dance", Mary Murphy emits which I can only describe as a high pitch distress call to her home world. It sounds just like random and pointless screaming. Once she finishes this bizarre process she tries to get people go home with her by saying "You’ve got 2 tickets for the
Hot Tamale Train with your name on them”. Mary, no one wants to go with you and it's only for the better of man kind that you have a place on my list.

Damon Yauney- The morning weather man on local Fox13. Each and every morning I feel like I'm watching a sequel to Zoolander. His ridiculous good looks, and boyish charm is just too over whelming for his brain to function right. His bio on the Fox 13 website states he holds the seal of approval from the American Meteorological Society. I believe this "seal of approval" is only one step above the Weather merit badge I earned in boy scouts always 15 years ago. Damon Yauney, your on here for making us all a little dumber everyday we watch you.

My neighbors upstairs, the sounds they are able to generate from their apartment can NOT be human. I can only describe these sounds as baboons mating. I could almost set my watch to their Saturday afternoon romps. It would be one thing to have a squeaky mattress, but the combination of the bed, doors slamming, pots banging, cordless drills, and all while someone is managing to dribble a basketball on the floor is too much! The reason they are on the list... is because he' always parking his car in my spot.

Joe Rogan, is one of the most cockyiest and pampas men on tv. I think it's important to point out that this list is titled "10 people I
WANT to kick the crap out of", and not "10 people I
CAN to kick the crap out of". With this in mind, Joe Rogan at the age of 19 became the youngest Grand Champion of the US Open Tae Kwon Do Championships. This means that he held light weight, middle weight, and heavy weight titles. For this reason Joe Rogan also has a place on my "10 really cool people" list. Joe Rogan is on this list because, I just thought it would be cool if Joe and I fought, and if I won I could stand over him and ask "So Joe, is fear a factor?"

Guy Fierri, One of the most entertaining guys on the Food network. I really enjoy his show "Diners, Drive ins, and Dives". But his goatee freaks me out. Guy reminds me of that creepy old Chinese man who worked at the "China Wok" in the University mall before the mall remodeled. The old man had these hairs growing out of a mole on his face, they must have been 8 inches long. Everyone was so scared to eat there, we all thought we would find one of the hairs in our fried rice. Why has someone not told him to trim it, cut it, or even shave the stupid thing off. At the very least ask him to put a hair net over his chin. For this reason alone Guy Fieri you have earn a place on my list.

Mario Lopez, aka A.C. Slater. I believe his 15 minutes of fam, was up about 20 years ago.
Others that are of honorable mention, but did not make the list include: Andy Dick, Ron Popiel, Steven Seagal, Pauly Shore, Tila Tequila, Fran Drescher, Tom Cruise, Miley Cyrus, Billy Blanks, and Bill Nye the science guy.
Feel free to add you own list in the comment section.
I remember that guy at the university mall!!! I couldn't stop laughing when you mentioned him. Seriously! What was he thinking? I don't think he realized how much business they lost because of that nasty thing. Oh, and the White ranger? Classic. Keep em coming pops.
Oh Kendall, You need to start meditation, dude. Funny list, but so much venom..Of course, I have seen the pics of your anger toward pumpkins. But, Bill Nye the Science Guy? Really!?! I know, I've heard he's a real arrogant, mean spirited drunk, but he's just so ...whacky...Really!?!?
WHAT!? I didn't make the list! Kendall, I am disappointed in you! -Janna
For everyone that is deeply concerned about the... Venom, as you put it, Vic, running through K's bloodstream, I will be enrolling him in some deep meditation Yoga classes shortly. In otherwords you can all stop hiding now.
Bring him up here, Chels. My yoga teachin', veggie eatin' wife will kick his non-yogafide butt into serenity:D
This is the greatest list ever!!! Especially on Mary Murphy. Someone has to silence her. She is currently calling her mother ship as we speak.
You should have this top 10 list be a tag.
I'll add two of mine to this list: Speaker of the "Do Nothing" House Nancy Pelosi and David "Eagle Beak" James from 2News Talkin' Sports. Yeah, that would be sweet.
If I kicked the crap out of those two people alone, all of the world's leaders would present me with a medal and from then on call that day National Awesome Rob Day.
Well said!!!
Two things:
1) I am upset that you didn't have Carson Daly on this list.
2) I agree with Rob. This should be a tag. I am posting it on my blog now.
#1- Carson Daly
#2- Bob Costas. The Gold medal winner of the DB Olympics.
Do you still want to kick the crap out of Damon Yauney?
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