Well everyone, think again:
Any time we go to K's parents house and his younger (and almost as tall as him!) sister is in attendance something to this effect happens. K beating up on her, she refusing to call mercy, me not being able to watch because on one hand I feel bad for her, but on the other I just want her call mercy! Janna, don't you know that he knows how to immobilize with a simple touch of the finger and also that he could kill you with one swift movement of the hand?! Thank heavens I learned this early on in our relationship and I now know not to mess with him... ok so I still do, but I quickly cry for mercy after a few ineffective punches and head locks with my legs.
Thanks for taking the beatings Janna because even though I've got a lot of fight in me we all know my 5'2 frame is no match for his 6'3 frame!
Pops is such a bully. When are you going to learn to pick on someone your own size?
Stop beatin' up on your sister, Kendall.
As the shortest, but oldest sister (I'm 5'11"), let me say that K learned a long time ago I don't play that way. Janna, on the other hand loves the attention. She's kind of a ho that way.
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