Every week Chellor and I take turns planning our weekly date night. I don't why I have earned the reputation for being "unromantic". I especially find it hard to understand since every time it's my turn to plan our date night, I AWLAYS hear Chels say something like "I can't believe you brought me here", or "You are unbelievable!" I once even heard her tell someone over the phone "I don't know how I ever found this guy! I can't believe my luck". It's hard for me not to think, I'm the world's greatest boyfriend!
I mean what girl in the world wouldn't love to go to:
ESPN lumber jack games

watch numerous rugby games on TV

A week long trip Vegas to attend the AWFS (Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers) and meeting Norm Abrahams.

Follow Strongman competitions

Monster truck rallies

Watch dozens of UFC fights

Rout at Football games

Attend the National Arm wrestling Championship

I don't know if I need to nominate my self for "The most Amazing Boyfriend" award, or if there's just a t-shirt I could wear to let other know how awesome I am. Either way, I easily have to be in the top ten list for "Coolest boyfriend EVER!"
Who knows where my talent for finding testosterone driven sports came from, but I'm afraid Chels is forced to deal with it WAY to often. Sorry lil dude.
You crack me up, Pops! I definitely think the award belongs to you. I'm still trying to get Steph to go to a UFC fight out here. Maybe when you guys come down we can plan it around a fight night? By the way, I'm still waiting for you to send me your email address!
Pops aka boy toy knows darn well that for all the crap I make HIM deal with, these little events are the least I can do to repay his undenying L.O.V.E. (we won't mention the fact that I absolutely love going to all of these events!) ;>
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