The Roller Derby was so much fun, and I really think I'm addicted to them now!

But who could blame me...
Girl in mini skirts, fish-net stocking, knee pad, and they all have names like:
-Punky Bruiser
-Eleanor Bruisevelt
-Bloody Mary
-Sandra Day O'Clobber
-Harriet Clubman
-Cybil Disturbance
-Alexa Rough
-Dirty Pirate Hooker #80085 (My personal favorite)
And the half time show was entertaining to say the least...

The object of the game is to get one player from each team (called Jammers, they have stars on their helmets) through the pack of girls (called Blockers) with out getting getting the jammers knocked down or knocked unconscious. For each member of the opposite team a jammer passes, she scores one point.

The whole thing was just a blast, and the "Salt Lake Death Dealers" put on a great show. Unfortunately the Dealers lost to the "Leave it to Cleavers" and won't be moving on to the championships.
The only thing questionable about the night would have to be the crowd attending (minus Chellor and I of course).
Just bizarre ;) Did you get Chellor signed up for the next season?
Although I love living in the sticks, things like this make me wish I lived closer to a "real" city.
Oh my! This is some seriously crazy entertainment!! I guarantee you didn't even want to blink!!
That last picture might actually be the guy that just bought the house next to me.
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