:'( Thank you all for the sweet condolences over last night's game. I think, though, for K and I's sanity and everyone's safety it's better if we just not bring it up again... ever... not even next year. We need to move on and mend our broken, aching hearts.
Thank you
Get over it. J/K I know it still hurts. Pops I gotta tell you I'm a little disappointed in you for giving the blog the shaft.
I know I know, I'm a totally blog burn out. When we were in SD last I committed to Britt to make one post a day during October. Well.. that was the worst idea ever. I soon became SO pissed off and ANTI blog that I have no intention of making anymore posts, EVER!
But I'm missing keeping in contact with you guys so I'm trying to slowly warm up to it again, so who knows what random rhetoric will spew out of me in the months to come.
Oh no, babe! No more spewing!!! Remember what happened last time? Let's not go there again please. :T
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