Have you ever heard of the website OHHAPPYDAY.COM? Well if not please take a gander. That sweet little mamma that runs the site is giving away a 7 day trip for 2 to PARIS! Are You Kidding Me? Included is airfare, an amazing boutique-y hotel, and a couple of those 7 days touring around with her to her fav spots! What a perfect way to take a break from a grueling Masters Degree and (ah hem) working in clothing retail during Back to School Season and Holiday Season. (I LOVE MY JOB..... after holiday there is serious regrouping time needed.)
Anyway, the contest is closing soon so if you want to get in on this biz nas I suggest you jog your little browsin' fingers right on over there and take a gander then enter to win. Good Luck to you.... No, Wait! Good Luck to Me!