As we walk around with our arms tightly folded high on our chest and faces in a perma stink face about the the upcoming Holiday (imagine a 2 year old pouting) we surprisingly received a letter in the mail from a beloved friend/cousin Tessa...

arms uncrossed as soon as we saw the wizard stickers on the back...

Oh my...

I think I might...

Is it possible....

If this is setting the pace for this year's ooie gooie holiday then I LOVE VALENTINES DAY THIS YEAR!

Back Unfolded

It was just so perfect for Pops n I's personality, no? How could one person know just how to melt our icy stone hearts just in time for Love Day? Well, Tessa aka Zelbie aka KickAssSuperGirl, if we weren't completely convinced of your amazing talents before (which we totally were) we are now!
This weekend as we talked we talked about roses and pink colors and not liking the lovey dovey stuff we revealed that we don't actually hate the holiday. We just choose to focus on what's important that day... each other in each other's lives. I decided to celebrate my Love for Pops on this special weekend and do the one thing he always does for me and I never, NEVER do for him. I was going to cook! It started out with big plans and elaborate dinners. Then reality set in, I got overwhelmed and didn't want to ruin the day by stressing over this meal. Thinking of something we both like and something that I like to cook I thought of these:

Of course, as normal, there was no shortage of sweet back rubs while cooking, while watching TV, while taking a quick nap from Pops all day long. I know that I'm a lucky girl, because I mean it when I say that's normal. Pops rubs my back daily even if it's just a quick press the kinks out the lower back from a long day.
Keeping in with the theme of Love I was surprised when Pops consented to taking me to see New Moon! So I subjected him to this filth...

I mean this guy is sweet at all times, but I TRY not to take advantage of that much and I definitely try not to subject him to things that I know will make him throw up. But when I asked there was no hesitation... "Yeah, sure. I will do that for you." That last sentance albeit sweet, is his way of sweetly saying, "Even though I know this will rip part of my soul out of my being and I may die a weaker man, I love you enough to suffer through it." He's amazingly sweet without even knowing it every single day!
So although I'm sure that every year I will vow not to harass others with my distaste then not be able to contain it and claim my war on Valentines day one thing will remain the same forever and ever... I Love this Guy Like a Zombie Loves Brains!