Imagine being in a tree... losing your grip... and falling... backwards. Good thing I knew there was a giant limb there so I didn't die. Bad thing that there was another giant limb by my leg that tried to amputate me and leave me legless from the knee down!
This is a picture story of how I almost died yesterday. For the in depth story click here.
Just Millie (the dog) and Me climbing a tree to rescue her toy
I know it doesn't look that high cause you can't see the ground but I'm higher than the fence and only half way up to where i was going!
Careful Millie! Don't look down!
I just fell backwards in a tree and cut up my leg. At least I didn't DIE! Next is to dodge that power line and get the rope.
Minor Flesh wounds... should I go to the hospital? Na, I've got two roomies to help... oh wait, one of them just fainted.
My nurses station
Not the prettiest, but I'm all bandaged up and ready to climb more trees!
SIDENOTE: I did get the toy rope from the tree after almost dieing and dodging a few power lines!